Sustainable Allergy Relief

You might think you are safe from the biggest allergy triggers once you are inside the safety of your home, but you would be wrong. The most common nasal allergy triggers are found right inside your home: cat and dog dander and dust mite allergens. What can you do to provide a healthy home for your family?

At Chem-Dry of Snowy Range, we want you to breathe easier about the healthfulness of your home and your family. Whether you suffer from allergies or asthma or you just want to provide the healthiest home for your family, our carpet, oriental rug cleaning and tile, stone and grout cleaning can help you remove the non-living allergens hiding in your home and improve your indoor air quality. Our Hot Carbonating Extraction (HCE) process was tested by a leading independent air quality laboratory in multiple homes. The lab found that Chem-Dry removes an average of 98.1% of common household allergens from carpets and upholstery*. The common allergens tested were dog and cat dander and dust mite matter.

We clean for your health like no one else.


Special - New Clients

Take 10% OFF ALL Services ($156 - 3-room carpet cleaning)

Up to 200 sq. ft. per area. Stairs extra. Not valid w/other discounts; Min charges may apply. An additional travel fee may apply. Hot Carbonated Extraction Cleaning Method. Expires 04/12/25. Call Chem-Dry of Snowy Range at ​(307) 703-0303.


Special - Returning Clients

15% OFF ALL Services (Only $146 for 3-room carpet cleaning)

Up to 200 sq. ft. per area. Stairs extra. Not valid w/other discounts; Min charges may apply. An additional travel fee may apply. Hot Carbonated Extraction Cleaning Method. Expires 04/12/25. Call Chem-Dry of Snowy Range at ​(307) 703-0303.


Special - Business Owners

10% OFF ALL Services!

Up to 200 sq. ft. per area. Stairs extra. Not valid w/other discounts; Min charges may apply. An additional travel fee may apply. Hot Carbonated Extraction Cleaning Method. Expires 04/12/25. Call Chem-Dry of Snowy Range at ​(307) 703-0303.

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Call Us Now For Your Free Cleaning Estimate

Chem-Dry of Snowy Range
We Accept All Major Forms of Payment
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat & Sun Closed
Laramie, WY 82072